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Scroll of citizens - Registration of citizens

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:41 pm
by Mahmud bin Alsalam
Scroll of citizens
لفافات المواطنين

All citizens are registered on this scroll. New citizens must register here:

Name: Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy --> Mahmud bin Alsalam
Birth: 1642 AN, Schaarlecht
Other nationalities: Arcadia, Batavia and Helderbourgh

Name: Elisabeth Asara des Vinandy
Birth: 1674 AN, 's Koningenwaarde
Other nationalities: Arcadia, Batavia and Helderbourgh

Name: Karel Kyle des Vinandy
Birth: 1676 AN, 's Koningenwaarde
Other nationalities: Arcadia, Batavia and Helderbourgh

Name: Gustavus Nathan des Vinandy
Birth: 1676 AN, Brandenburg
Other nationalities: Arcadia, Batavia and Helderbourgh

Re: Rolle der Reichsbürger - Registration of citizens

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:13 pm
by Emira Fatima
Name: Esther Fatima Gudrid des Vinandy Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed bin Sathrati af Ettlingum Freyu de Ravarie --> Emira Fatima
Birth: 1638 AN, Saint Harald's Mount
Other nationalities: Arcadia, Batavia and Helderbourgh and Stormark

Re: Rolle der Reichsbürger - Registration of citizens

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:44 pm
by Johan
Johan Anderion Avon-El Ayreon-Kalirion
Birth: 1647, Eliria
Other nationalities: None